
Visions Of Love Bouquet

Visions Of Love Bouquet


This piece may be upgraded or customized - to discuss your options, please call us at 908-757-0400 (Watchung) or 908-218-9600 (Bridgewater) (M-F 8-8, weekends 8-5, EST) or email us and we'll call you.

Infrequently, supply or season may make it necessary for a particular element of the arrangement to be substituted with items of comparable or better quality and appearance. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us - we always work to satisfy your every need.

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1. If the delivery option doesn’t come up for the shipping address that you desire then this means we will NOT be able to deliver to that certain area and you will need to choose in store pickup at either our Watchung or Bridgewater location. 

2. Same day delivery is NOT available for orders placed after 3pm on that day.

3. Expedited same day delivery cost is $15. 

4. Please make sure that you fill out billing address and shipping address with the proper and correct addresses. The shipping address should only be the recipients address and the billing address should only be where you reside.

5. Orders that are placed the night before and requested as AM deliveries for the next morning will not be guaranteed for AM but will most likely be placed with PM delivery’s that day.